Production blog

   To edit my commercial I will be using capcut. Capcut is an editing app. This app has useful editing features that lets you edit on any electronic device. About 2 years ago I used to do edits using CapCut but stopped. So I am familiar with the features. I already started picking out pictures and videos that I’m going to use. The pictures/ videos will be me throughout my childhood mixed with my favorite things. For example, I will show me as baby and then show another picture of me when I aged 2 years. My age in the pictures/videos will increase by 2-3 years. I will try to include some features in the commercial. For example, capcut has a good variety of effects and filters. They also have a video trimmer and background remover. These features are for cutting out random parts out of videos and photos. I will start editing and putting together my commercial by Thursday. Since the song/songs are about new 3 minutes long, I will shorten it. So it will less than 1 min. Even tho it may seem a little short to add a lot of pictures and video’s it’s not. I’v done editing videos where the videos were about 1 min long and had ALOT of pictures.  The view of the commercial will be made vertical bc most of the pictures and videos I have are in a vertical view. As time comes I will think of more ideas. But for now that all! 




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