Production Blog

   Hi blog! Today I’m going to talk about our first planning day that happing October 29th. Since I already have 6 actors including me for our music video I thought it would be great to plan. October 29 is next Sunday. We haven’t decided what time we’re going to meet yet but it will mostly like be between 12-4 pm. We also haven’t decided what place yet but because me and the other actors live In Oakland Park I will pick a place in Oakland Park. When we meet we will be talking about which positions the actors want to take in the video. For example, one of them could be best friend of birthday birthday girl  and the other could just be a side friend that doesn’t talk. I am going to divide tasks around the actors. Such as getting food or bringing clothing. After that we are going to talk about what clothing attire we should wear. Finally we are going to make a back up plan in case something doesn’t go planned out. For example if someone is sick and can’t make it then I have to find a back up actor to replace them. My deadline for this music video is Nov 7. I hope it turns out great! After the music video is done I want people to rate it 1 out of 10 to see how I and my actors did. That way there’s room for improvement. Until next time blog!


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