Movie Eesearch: Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery
Genre: Mystery
Movie: Glass Onion: A knives Out Mystery
What convections of this genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?
Knives out had an essence of mystery throughout the whole film, and it did not reveal too much about the film until the very end of the movie. It still left me with questions myself about what truly happened on the island even though it was explained. The mystery around who the killer was was the question, but the plot twist held an even bigger impact for me.
What convections of the genre did the movie have that you liked?
1 liked the suspense part of the film; throughout the entire film I was immersed because I wanted to know the answer to the mystery. It also had a detective that played a big role in revealing the plot, he was experienced with mysterious events, so he knew what to look for. I also liked that we never really did know the true crime until the end of the story, we thought it was the murders, but it was something else entirely different.
What convections of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you and you are thinking of not filming for your final task?
While I loved the several mysteries going on at the same time I feel like it would be too chaotic to film. There needs to be a sense of control since I am not an experienced director I don't think I would be able to handle all of that. I enjoyed what it did for the film, and it honestly made it better.
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