Production Blog


Hi! Today we filmed scenes 6,7,8,and 9. We started filming at 12 pm and were supposed to finish around 5pm. But I had to go to my National Achievers Society meeting today which from at 1 pm to 2pm.There  was going to be a little delay but I told them that they could film scene 8 at the house without me since I’m not in it. They agreed and then I left. When I got back to the house we filming at I was little exhausted because I had to do a car wash for a fundraiser. But I pushed through it and told myself that we have to make this film perfect for viewers to watch. Before filming I ordered some coffee from Dunkin Donuts to hopefully wake me up. We already had some of parts of scene 7 before I left because Eileen filmed it her part at her house. So I did my part and then we looked over it and checked to see if it was good enough. Filming scene 8 took a little longer since Eileen had to have her character have a specific tone to seem weirded out when Kelly was smiling at her. I could tell that she was nervous but when we finished I told her she did good. Scene 9 was easy probably one of our easiest scenes yet. The whole filming process took approximately three hours. I always like to time ourselves to see how long we take. That’s about it today guys. 


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